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High-Yield Savings solutions for the VIP in your life

Small steps today lead to big rewards on the road ahead. Save more for the VIP in your life with MarketEdge and Certificates.

See how much more you can earn in one year1


Start Saving Today

If you’re not in a hurry to use your money, you can keep it working for you with guaranteed results.

Like Certificates of Deposit (CDs), share certificates offer fixed rates of return, which are typically higher than those of our Primary Share Savings accounts.

  • Your guaranteed return will be locked in anywhere from 3 months up to 5 years5
  • Available for individuals, trusts, and Traditional and Roth IRAs6
  • Open with as little as $500; higher rates available at $100,000 & $250,0007

If you access your funds before maturity, you will incur an early withdrawal penalty that could range from 3 months to 12 months of dividends depending on the length of the share certificate. You can also borrow against the share certificate using a Secured Loan. To learn more, visit our Secured Loans page.

With our MarketEdge Money Market Savings account, you have a high-yield savings account combined with the convenience of checks and a debit card.

With many high-yield savings accounts, the trade off for good returns is less accessible funds. When you’re a Spectrum Credit Union member, you don’t have to make that compromise — you get higher dividend rates for your savings and anytime access to your funds.

MarketEdge Money Market Savings features:

  • No monthly maintenance fees or term restrictions
  • No minimum balance required to open or maintain (balances below $2,500 earn our regular Primary Share Savings account dividend rate)8
  • Easy access via checks or debit card
  • Also available as a Money Market Health Savings Account for members with a high deductible health plan (HDHP)

1Yields based on rates effective as of 2/6/25. Rates are subject to change without notice. Assumes balance stated is maintained for 12 months. Estimated earnings rounded to the nearest whole dollar; MarketEdge actual yield = $360.01 ($10k); $1,849.80 ($50k); $3,800.24 ($100k). Certificate actual yield = $399.97 ($10k); $1999.85 ($50k); $3,999.97 (100k).

²Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 2/6/25 and subject to change without notice. See for additional rate tiers. Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. Fees may reduce earnings.

³National average Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 2/3/25 per

⁴Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 2/6/25 and subject to change without notice. See for additional rate tiers. Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. All certificates are subject to an early withdrawal penalty. Fees may reduce earnings. Withdrawal of dividends will reduce earnings.

⁵All certificates are subject to an early withdrawal penalty. Fees may reduce earnings.

⁶To open a Certificate in an IRA, please stop by your branch or give us a call at 866-859-5552.

⁷The minimum balance to open a Share Certificate is $500.

⁸You are required to maintain a minimum balance of $25.00 in your Primary Share Savings account to keep your membership active and maintain other accounts. See today’s rates. Rates are subject to change without notice. Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly.

Ready to become a member? Let’s get started.

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